Horticulture Based Livelihood in Tripura: A Case Study
of Baramura-Deutamura Hill Dwellers

By Vanlalrema Kuki

Traditionally shifting cultivation was once the major occupation of the tribes of Tripura. However with declining availability of land and consistent efforts of the government to reduce ‘jhuming’, alternative vocations like plantation, horticulture, animal husbandry, etc. are being pursued by many hill dwellers currently, with varying degrees of success. The argument in favour of horticulture cultivation is that the weather and climate in the state is conducive and these often being short duration crops fit well into the intensive cropping system providing favourable economic returns to the cultivators. The present study area was selected purposively from the Baramura-Deutamura village in Khowai district of Tripura. The paper examined that income returns from mature crops were highly significant towards ensuring sustainable rural livelihoods while income received from immature crops were insignificant for pursuing sustainability of tribals livelihood in the region perhaps it provides employment all round the year. The roles of intermediaries were learnt highly influencing local market thereby depriving the growers from getting full benefits out of selling.

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DOI:  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12779782