Vol. 6, No. 1, January – June 2016
Research Papers
1. India-Bangladesh Connectivity: Implications for India’s North East Development – Rajendra Prasad Patel
2. The Enchanted Community: Kaose and Doi (Witchcraft) Among the Kukis of Northeast India – Jangkhomang Guite
3. The Role of Oral Tradition with Special Reference to the Thadou-Kuki Society – D. Mary Kim Haokip
4. Land and Law in Manipur Circa 1891-1947 – Lalsanglen Haokip
5. Comparative Evaluation of Nutritive Value of Some Fruits Available in North-East India – Saikat Sen, Timai Passah, Kitboklang Thubru, Raja Chakraborty
Book Reviews
6. Mahmood Mamdani, Define and Rule: Native as Political Identity – Reviewed by Prashant Narang
7. John Thomas, Evangelising the Nation: Religion and the Formation of Naga Political Identity. New Delhi: Routledge, 2016, Reviewed by Sangay Tamang
Vol. 6, No. 2, July – December 2016
Research Papers
1. A Social Construction of ‘identity’ among the Indigenous and Immigrants in Assam – Kuntala Das
2. Lacking Legitimacy? State, Civil Societies and Trust Crisis in Manipur – L. Letkhomang Haokip
3. Autonomy Demands in the Hill Areas of Manipur: Issues and Challenges – Seikhogin Haokip
4. Status of Development in Meghalaya: An Inter District Analysis – Sangeeta Dasgupta
5. From Marginalisation to Stereotypes — ‘North East India’ in Indian Media: Evidences from Focus Group Discussions in Manipur – Shipra Raj
6. North East India: A Region in an Endless Ordeal – Sarup Sinha
Book Review
7. Giorgio Agamben, State of Exception, University of Chicago Press, 2005 – Monis Ahmad